Performance Improvement

In today’s dynamic business environment, you must stay ahead of the competition. To do this, your organization must continually improve and optimize performance.

SierraConstellation Partners (SCP) provides performance improvement services that empower businesses with strategic insights, operational efficiency, and strategic profitable growth. SCP can help unlock potential and elevate your company’s performance.

Find tailored solutions to meet your unique, unmet needs, no matter what industry you operate in.

What is a Performance Improvement Plan?

A performance improvement plan is an actionable blueprint that outlines the steps necessary to achieve a company’s goals. At SierraConstellation Partners, we find that there is nothing devilish about the details. We are a group of professionals who walk the walk and talk the talk and have firsthand knowledge of what it’s like to be in the trenches. Our team of professionals works collaboratively with management teams to deliver outstanding results.

How to Know if Companies Need a Performance Assessment and Strategic Plan

If an organization is experiencing cash flow issues, profitability leakage, a decline in top-line revenue, or increases in operating or supply chain costs, an assessment and strategic plan to get back on track to sustainable profitability is essential.

What are Business Improvement Techniques?

To improve a company’s performance, you need to swiftly identify what needs to be changed, assess the challenges, align key stakeholders, leverage the resources available, execute the plan, and monitor your progress while regularly over-communicating progress.

Those are the basic steps, but there are various methodologies that we guide companies through to achieve sustainable successful outcomes. Some of the tools that we deploy are:

  • Six Sigma uses a systematic approach to address quality control issues and improve processes.
  • Lean Manufacturing focuses on processes that provide value and removes what doesn’t.
  • Process Mapping documents, analyzes, and enhances business processes. It highlights how a process works, identifies bottlenecks, and develops improvements.

There is also Total Quality Management (TQM), which manages end-to-end people and business processes for customer satisfaction, and PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act), which continually improves a project’s quality, in addition to others.

Why You Should Choose SCP for Your Performance Improvement Needs

At SCP, we believe in a collaborative approach when working with companies to improve performance for lasting success. We work closely with a company’s teams to understand their organization’s unique challenges and opportunities. Our customized business solutions align with company goals and objectives.

We collaborate to:

We conduct a comprehensive assessment of current processes, systems, and organizational culture to identify areas for improvement.

By leveraging advanced data analytics and data visualization tools, we provide actionable insights enabling companies to make strategic choices for tangible results.

We analyze workflows, identify bottlenecks, and implement targeted improvements to optimize resource utilization, reduce costs, and increase productivity.

By collaborating with key stakeholders, we help define a business’s strategy, so it aligns with long-term goals and positions companies for profitable sustained growth.

Our services include employee engagement strategies and professional development programs that enhance skills, boosts morale, and foster a culture of innovation.

We continually monitor how organizations are being impacted by the changes and fine-tune our approach to ensure sustained improvement over time.

SCP’s change management experts guide companies through transitions for a smooth, successful implementation of new processes and initiatives.

Empower Performance with SCP—Where Excellence Meets Innovation

How to Turn Around a Struggling Business?

If companies need to improve their cash flow or streamline their operations, a business recovery plan will get you going on the right track. From working capital improvement to complete business restructuring, SCP will help to speed up the process, as we’ve been there many times before.

SierraConstellation Partners Can Lead Companies Toward Performance Improvement

At SierraConstellation Partners, we take the time to understand the unique nuances of every business that we engage with. We work hand in hand with existing management teams and closely collaborate with boards and investor groups. If needed, at a time of transition, we can also provide interim management. Our team of seasoned professionals is comprised of former operators with decades of real-world experience. We act as advocates of businesses, and we share aligned goals. We operate with a sense of urgency, speed and accuracy for fast results.

We manage 13-week cash flows for cash flow improvements and dig deep into business operations to increase EBITDA. We handle ABL relationships and reduction-in-force situations at any stage of the business. We drive transformation within companies to profitable growth by finding the points of impact (the root cause of an organization’s underperformance) and creating a strategic plan for sustainable success.

Get started today. Talk with one of our performance improvement experts and see how SCP can help businesses thrive.

Case Studies




  • francesca’s is a Houston-based fast fashion women’s retailer that operated in 460+ stores nationwide in traditional malls, lifestyle centers, and outlets.
  • The Company filed for bankruptcy in December of 2020 and sold its assets via a 341 sale at the end of January 2021.
  • A factor in the Company’s financial difficulty was the fact that it had become heavily promotional in recent years under interim leadership.
  • Post-emergence, the Company struggled with fundamental issues such as completion of landlord deals, avoidance of cure payments through contract renegotiation, basic bank account management, and extensive management turnover.
  • February results were extremely poor, and the company faced an immediate liquidity crisis.


  • The sponsor initially retained SCP to “stand up” the Company’s finance and accounting function post-emergence.
  • SCP’s initial work focused on improved trustee communication, implementing a cross-functional approach to contract assumption, and analyzing the Company’s discounting practices.
  • SCP was eventually retained as Interim Chief Financial Officer.
  • SCP pursued a number of projects and strategies focused on changes in culture and operational efficiency, as well as improving communication and collaboration with the debtor trustee.


  • Gross Margin improved from 40% in February to 51% in March and 69% in April 2021.
  • Sales and Margin exceeded budget every month from March-August.
  • The Company saved over $1 million in cure costs on operational contracts (no landlords).
  • Equity holders have been able to make meaningful equity distributions.
  • A full-time Chief Financial Officer was hired in mid-August 2021.
  • All remaining debtor items were successfully transferred to the trustee advisor.

Manufacturer of Color Representation Marketing Tools


  • A Chicago based, $60 million manufacturer of color representation marketing tools experienced a rapid decline in liquidity driven by a sharp drop off in sales and a lack of internal controls which led to an over-advanced line of credit.
  • After the senior lender froze the company’s working capital line, SCP was retained to serve as the Chief Restructuring Officer, develop a near-term cash flow forecast and explore exit strategies to maximize recovery to all stakeholders.


  • Identified and implemented $5.5 million of cost reductions within the first two weeks of the engagement. Demonstrated the company’s viability and reconstructed internal procedures to strengthen internal controls.
  • Created a short-term weekly cash flow forecast and exit strategy to negotiate a forbearance with their senior lender. 
  • After a failed attempt to refinance the company’s senior debt, SCP was named as the Interim Chief Financial Officer. Despite improved operating performance, the legacy internal control issues forced the process towards a sale. SCP prepared formal marketing materials and engaged an investment banker to broaden the pool of prospective buyers.
  • Successfully sold the company to a financial buyer within six months resulting in full recovery to the lenders.


  • Despite the operational headwinds and the 30% decline in revenue, the business was generating 15% unadjusted EBITDA margins.
  • Maintained communication with all management, production employees, customers, vendors, lenders and prospective buyers.
  • Built a series of business analyses without an ERP system to demonstrate the company’s viability despite obvious challenges.
  • Worked along side the buyer’s team of professionals to facilitate a successful transition.

Family-Owned Restaurant Chain


  • Family-owned restaurant chain with two Vietnamese restaurants and a separate full-service breakfast and lunch concept with three locations in the Los Angeles area.
  • The Company was facing a liquidity crisis as it had stretched all its vendors and was struggling to make payroll or pay for product.
  • Mopho, Inc. had expanded too fast as the owner/entrepreneur had gotten ahead of his skis. A bankruptcy or liquidation was days away.


  • SCP dove in headfirst and, within 24 hours, visited all locations to test quality and observe operations and service.
  • A detailed cost analysis was the first part of the analysis, concurrent with key supplier negotiations. This resulted in SCP advising the Company to cut its menu offerings from 180 items to less than 80. This reduction in items reduced input (food and beverage) costs and significantly reduced labor costs. Additionally, beer and wine were promoted more during lunch and dinner.
  • As these cost rationalization and labor reduction initiatives were implemented, it became apparent that a location needed to be closed until a later date as the owners were stretched too thin. This ultimately saved the Company $800k EBITDA on a run-rate basis each year.


  • The Company reduced from 5 locations to 4, improved cashflow by $1.2 million in one year, and improved margins and reduced headcount.
  • Mopho, Inc. was able to pay down over $300k in past-due vendor debt and negotiate more favorable vendor terms because of debt paydown, consolidating the menu and shrinking vendor base.
  • Company is now more focused on profitable growth rather than growth for revenue.

Protein Powder Co-Packer


  • The Company was having issues with its lender as a result of material inventory write-offs and the subsequent impact on its borrowing base.
  • The inventory accounting issues also led to challenges in preparing reliable budget forecasts for the lender.


  • SCP worked with the Chief Financial Officer to analyze the details of the inventory and created different inventory classifications that better reflected the inventory as it flowed through the supply chain.
  • SCP worked with the lender to materially amend the borrowing base to reflect the modified inventory categories and costs.
  • SCP created a new forecast that reflected the accounting and borrowing base changes.


  • With more accurate inventory accounting, the Company was able to provide a better financial projection model to the lender.
  • Further, the Company didn’t have unexpected inventory write-downs that they experienced in the past.
  • The Company was able to get a long-term amendment to its credit facility that reflected the inventory modifications and revised forecast.

Confidential Winery


  • The 2022 crypto winter resulted in several high-profile bankruptcies, including Celsius Network, Three Arrows Capital and Voyager Digital.Winery was operating for several years with negative cash flow.
  • Owner funded losses for several years but eventually faced personal financial constraints and failed to put in additional capital to allow the company to operate.
  • Resulted in the winery handing the keys back to the bank.


  • SCP was engaged to devise a plan to return the Company to profitability, stabilize performance and explore exit strategies.
  • Identified a series of costs saving opportunities and reduced labor expense by over 20%.
  • Developed and implemented a plan to use the existing bottling line for other local wineries to maximize equipment utilization and generate incremental cash flow.
  • Formed partnership with a large retailer.
  • Liquidated excess inventory to gain liquidity and then developed a private label to lock in contractual revenue stream.


  • Private label partnership with large retailer allowed the Company to grow sales by 40%.
  • SCP ran the Company for approximately 12 months to demonstrate viability and position for a sale.
  • Successfully sold the winery to an international wine producer in Argentina.